Hi there! I’m Ann Genyk.

I am a Registered Holistic Nutritionist professional, registered yoga teacher and mindfulness teacher. But I wasn’t always into health and wellness.

I have a Master’s degree in Economics and worked in that field for 15 years. With three young kids at home I decided to leave my office job and focus on my family. I also decided it was time to focus on my health - in my 20s and 30s I suffered from migraines, depression, and constant colds and flus. My skin broke out all the time. I saw countless medical doctors to help me with my symptoms, but nothing seemed to work. It wasn’t until I started making changes with my food and incorporating yoga into my life that I started to see major improvements in my health. It was as if I had stumbled upon the best kept secret, and I wanted to tell EVERYONE. That’s what started me on my journey into the field of holistic nutrition. I feel better in my 40s than I have in my entire life, and my goal is to help you feel better too. We all have the power to make positive changes, but it’s not always easy. That’s why I’m here - to help you throughout the entire process and see you reach your goals!

Education and Credentials

Diploma in Natural Nutrition with Certificate of Merit, Canadian School of Natural Nutrition

Certificate in Foundations of Applied Mindfulness Meditation, University of Toronto

Registered Yoga Teacher, Power Yoga Canada

Master of Arts (Economics), Queen’s University

B.Comm, Economics Specialist, University of Toronto